Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nothing to report

I was warned... what do doctors know about baby size and when she is coming? He didn't think that he would see me at my next appointment. Wrong.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stay tuned...

Went to the doctor today and despite having told him numerous times before that I have my babies early, he sounded surprised when he examined me and said I would be having this baby before my due date. What I wasn't expecting was for him to say "Wow, this is a BIG baby." I'm 35 weeks, measuring 38. We know about early babies... we don't know about big babies. My babies come home with chicken legs, and red, wrinkly skin. I know you don't really know the size until the baby is born... but just the thought is a little intimidating to me, especially with the emphasis that he put on the word "big."

Anyway, we're getting excited and more importantly, we're actually prepared this time. Wahoo!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Conversations from tonight...

Before our dinner time prayer, Daddy asked Bell to remember the people in Haiti, and explained a little about the earthquake and the people suffering. During her prayer she said "and please bless Katie." Too cute.

After our bed time routine, I had some things to do around the house, and about an hour after they were "down," I walked by their bedroom and heard a voice. My first thought was, oh brother, they're out of their beds playing. I walked into their bedroom and found the twins fast asleep. The conversationalist was Gretters. She was telling her dolls and bear what to do and carrying on a whole dialogue with them. I just stood there by the door, listening to her carry on with her little friends and my heart melted. I said a silent prayer, thanking God for these beautiful girls that he's loaned me. They bring me so much joy, much more than I could ever have imagined.

I am anxious to meet this other little girl. What a lucky baby sister to be born into a family where she will have three other doting sisters to shower their love and attention on her. And how blessed we are, to love and raise another beautiful daughter.

I am feeling very blessed tonight. Thank you God.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back Home... Dance Class

The first week back from a long vacation is always the hardest. Thankfully, we had dance class to distract us from missing family too much.
Bell sports her new ballet skirt from Mom and Dad, as well as the Fancy Nancy jewelery Grandma Red made her during their Fancy Nancy party in Chicago.

Show us your moooooves!

Lady also donns her new periwinkle skirt in class and takes air.

Love this girl's enthusiasm

Gretters took every opportunity to get out on the dance floor while the class took dance breaks. She had all the other parents charmed.
I know I'm her mother, but she is a rather charming child.

Soooo cute.

Gretters is OBSESSED with her belly button. She holds it when she goes to sleep, she checks to make sure it's still there several times throughout the day, and even checks other people's belly buttons. She happily demonstrated the proper way to do a belly button check to the entire dance class.
I just love these girls!

Our Time in Chicago

We were so busy playing and having a good time that we didn't take many pictures while in Chicago. The twins had so much fun playing with the Batchelor cousins, with the glow station, in the pretend kitchen, playing with their new toy dogs, and their dolls. The girls watched a couple of Harry Potter movies, with their 11 year old cousin covering their eyes during the scary parts. Gretters played with her cousin Eva, who is just a year older than her. They were truly two peas in a pod.
Mommy and Daddy got away for a night, had a nice dinner and stayed overnight in a hotel suite with a fabulous in-room jacuzzi. Thanks to the Batchelors and Piersons for that great gift! Who knows when we'll be able to get away again. Certainly not without a newborn in tow for the next year.

One night the kids played restaurant. Grandma was the cook, Papa printed out menus, while the adults were waited on by these adorable waiters. Pictured left to right (Lady, Kyla, Regan, Bell and Eva). We ate a delicious seafood pasta, garlic bread, salad and icecream for dessert.
The adults mainly played games every night until midnight, pretending we were teenagers, but of course NOT getting to sleep in each morning because the kids were up at their usual bright early time.
The week went by fast and we were so glad to be able to spend the holidays with both of our families.

Christmas Day

Santa brought the twins Big Wheels for Christmas. True to form, Mommy and Daddy were much more excited about these gifts than the girls were. But they humored us by giving them a test drive around the living room. Gretters got a Fairy bouncy ball that has handles and you jump around on. She loved bouncing on these at her Uncle Dave's house, but when she had her own, she just drug it around the house.

Gretters favorite gift was the Disney tea set that Grandma Bonnie and Grand-dad got the girls. She carried the box around most of the morning. Poor Santa, he had such high hopes that his year he would "wow" the girls. Maybe next year...

Lady gives the grandparents a big thank-you hug for her magentic paperdolls and bracelet.

Aunt Marin joined us for the Christmas morning festivities. Here Kennedy smiles excitedly. She loves Christmas and was so excited for the girls to open up her gifts to them: Disney princess shirts, which they immediately put on. Kennedy is away at college now, and we miss her.

Thanks to Grandma with the Red Hair and Papa, who bought us plane tickets for Christmas, we hopped on a plane Christmas afternoon and flew to Chicago to be with Mommy's side of the family. Grandma Red surprised everyone with matching pj's. The grand-daughters all had pink monkey jammies, the moms had pink loungewear and Regan, the only grand-son donned pjs with trucks on it. I think the girls wore those jammies every night we were there.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with Daddy's side of the family. We had a wonderful ham and potato dinner with everyone in attendance except our family members in Washington. Aunt Jen put together a beautiful nativity reenactment, with the grand-kids playing the parts, and the adults singing as the chorus. With all the hub-bub of the evening, we didn't get many photos.

Bell played the part of Mary, acting so demure and humble. She really got into the part. Lady was an angel and looked beautiful in white.

Gretters didn't have an official part, but when she saw the wise men come out in their turbins, she wanted to be one, too.

Gingerbread Houses

What would the Christmas season be without gingerbread? Aunt Marin brought a kit over to make a gingerbread house, which the girls all LOVED.

Gretters carefully puts a red piece of candy on the roof to maintain the rainbow pattern

I love this "focused" look that Lady has, as she adds her candy to the house. She loves helping in the kitchen and takes it quite seriously.

Christmas Dresses

My mom bought all of her grand daughters matching dresses for Christmas. I envisioned this fantastic picture with perfect smiles in their perfect dresses for our Christmas card this year. They didn't turn out how I envisioned, but they are more true to real life...

Someone does not want to have to stay still and "pose."

"All done!"

Dress Up

Gretters is almost 2 and it seems like each week she is less of a "toddler" and more of a little girl. She loves playing dress up with her big sisters. Notice that she has socks for gloves. Her sisters came up with that idea.
Bell taking a departure from her usual Sleeping Beauty, is donning her Snow White garb, updated with a tiara and fancy gloves.

Lady is also ready for the ball.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Standy by... updates are coming.

I've been asked when I'm going to post new pics. The answer is this weekend. Christmas had us very busy, as we split it between Utah and Chicago, and then this week we've been trying to recover and get back to reality.

I figure I had better get this finished before baby decides to make her appearance. I'm 33 weeks, measuring at 36 weeks... trying to keep this baby in until the first week of February. We'll see how that goes. If I manage to do that it will be the most pregnant I've ever been (don't be too jealous... it's hard being on "stand-by" for two months). Of course, won't baby have the last laugh it I actually go past her due date... would that mean that I would be measuring for 43 or 44 weeks? Shudder the thought.

Stay tuned...

Monday, January 4, 2010

The things they say...

Gretters: I want milk!
Daddy: If you want milk, then you need to say "please."
Gretters: I want MILK!
Daddy: You're not getting any milk until you ask nicely.
Gretters: MILK, MILK, MILK!
Daddy: No milk until I hear the word "please." That's just tough cookies.
Gretters: I want cookies!

On the plane...
Bell: Mom, what did you order to drink?
Me: Water
Bell: Oh, well Daddy ordered soda and that's poison. You die if you drink poison, but Daddy didn't die.