Monday, April 26, 2010

11 weeks old

Daddy captured this picture of me hugging you in the sun, dear Baby E, and I wanted to remember what I felt at that moment... pure joy in being your mother. I love holding you to my heart and feeling our spirits connect. I love looking into your eyes and getting lost. I love squeezing your rolls and making you giggle and smile. It may be years before I put together a baby book because life is a little crazy for us right now. But for now, I want to remember this moment and the sweet joy I feel in being a mother to you and your sisters. Thank you for choosing me to be your mother.

Big Helpers

Bell and Lady are fantastic helpers. Sometimes it feels like they are 4 going on 8, because they are so helpful with Baby E. Many times I don't even have to ask them to bring me a diaper and wipes, they just notice me start to take the baby's pants off, and up they jump to get me the supplies. They especially love to entertain their littliest sister, making up songs about princesses to serenade her. It is not uncommon to hear bickering about who held her the longest. Baby E is so lucky to have such great sisters who love and care for her.

Eat Your Veggies

I received some not-so-great news about my cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL and the like. These are terms you hear your grandparents or aging parents discuss. These are not numbers you think you'll even care about, until they change. Yes, my numbers aren't great... in fact, they're terrible. And the medical advice I have received is to take niacin (which is of course going to affect my nursing infant). The doctor kind of brushed by the exercise and diet route and said they supposedly won't make much of a difference with my numbers because they are mainly genetically driven.

Well, I've been doing some "alternative" research, and from what I've read diet and herbs and exercise can make the difference. They might make ALL the difference. More imporantly, one year ago, when I decided to take control of my health, the impression I had as I was praying about what to do for MY body was simply "eat more vegetables." That was it. And then today, as I was researching all the foods for naturally lowering these all-important numbers, I read all the things I was eating anyway (whole grains, fruits and veggies, fish oil, vitamins, etc) and eating vegetables stood out to me. Amazing.

As I think back about the things I have felt I should eat more of: oatmeal, brown rice, yams, cabbage, blueberries, strawberries... lo and behold, these things help lower cholesterol.

I have an appointment in three months. I'm not going to take the niacin. I'm going to continue to nurse my baby and listen to what my body tells me I should eat.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby E's Baby Blessing

In our church we baptize at the age of eight, when a child is held accountable for her actions and can make that decision for herself. We bless babies and give them a name when they are weeks old. Baby E was blessed by Daddy, who holds the priesthood, along with Grand-dad, Papa, Uncle Dave, Uncle Mike, Uncle Jay and our good friend Machenzie. Baby E was perfect during the blessing!

Grandma Goldenstar made both of her daughters a blessing dress for all her grand-daughters to be blessed in. The dress makes a full circle and has several different imported laces and trims on it. It took over 100 hours to sew. Mommy helped pick out the fabric and laces when she was pregnant with the twins. Bell and Gretters were also blessed in this dress. Lady was blessed in Aunt Dawn's dress because we needed two dressed for twins, of course.

Dress with the matching bonnet.

Grandma Goldenstar arranging the bonnet

Family picture after a long day (we sure look tired!)

Proud Daddy

and Proud Mommy

We invited all the family over for brunch and served Grandma Bonnie's famous breakfast casseroles, Mommy's cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. Definitely NOT diet fare! It was a wonderful day and reminded us of the importance of family.

Papa and Grandma Golden Star visit

Papa and Grandma GoldenStar (formerly known as Grandma with the Red Hair) came to visit us for a long weekend. We had lots of fun swimming at their hotel, eating pizza with pirates at Pirates' Island and playing Monster in the house.

Papa spent lots of time holding Baby E, when he wasn't busy playing Monster with the other girls.


This was our first year coloring hard boiled eggs. The girls LOVED it. They give you six colors in a kit, but really we only needed two... pink and purple, of course. We had multiples in those colors, but Mommy insisted we have a representative egg for each of the other colors.
The girls wore Mommy's shirts to keep them from getting dye on their own clothes. Sad to say, that almost all of the eggs and been dropped and cracked within minutes of dying them. Good thing Grandma Bonnie could still use them in her Easter Egg Potato Salad.

After the eggs were dyed and dried, it was time to grab our buckets and find the eggs that Daddy had hidden in the yard. Bell, Lady and Gretters ready to find those eggs!

Bell searched high...

Gretters searched low

Lady looked in every nook and cranny

The last egg. Growing up, the tradition in my family was Dad paid the person who found the last egg. There was a practical side of this, of course, because we used hard boiled eggs and hid them in the house. Imagine if we had not found all the eggs. The longer it took us to find the last egg, the higher the price went up. I think one year I got $5 for the last egg, when the normal rate was $1. Too bad I was such an honest kid, I could have made some serious cash... hee hee hee.
We use plastic eggs now and hide them outside, so there is no need for any cash incentives.

Picnic Dinner at the Park

One thing I love about Daddy is his spontenaity. He called me up at 4 and said "what would you think about having a picnic dinner in the park?" After several days of snow, our first nice day almost seemed to demand some time of celebration. Daddy whipped up a delicious potato salad, picked up some grilled chicken from KFC, some oranges, and Rootbeer. What a treat!
Bell digs into to her chicken leg. Grrrrr.....

Gretters sits on Daddy's lap. She is definitely a Daddy's girl. He pushed her on the swings and helped her on the slide while the twins pumped their own legs (with only a push here and there). Mommy sat on the bench and gracefully (and more importantly, modestly) nursed Baby E while she cheered the family on. It was a really fun evening.

My babies

There is nothing like a sleeping baby...
8 weeks old and I love every roll on her

Baby E has the funniest expressions. I think we could have another dramatic personality on our hands. Where do they get it from? And can you see her hair is turning more red...

Gretters is growing up. Barely two and ready to take over the world. It's fun to see her look more grown up, but I miss her curly hair. It just fits her personality so much better.

Cuzzin Band

The girls love playing with their cousins. Usually they play chase with some kind of dragon invovled. On this day they decided to start their own band. Kya on the non-stick pan, Bell on the soup pot, and Rex on the collander.
Lady on the sauce pot.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A day in the life of a mother

I work from home on Tuesdays and Thursays while Daddy teaches at the local university. It's always a bit crazy as I try to stay focused on the laptop, make phonecalls, etc admist the normal chaos created by four kids four and under. However, this morning was particularly crazy.

First, some background: Gretters used to be well on her way to being fully potty trained--- until Baby E came along, and then Gretters totally digressed back, refusing the potty, staying in wet diapers, the works. Now that the baby is two months old, we thought it might be time to get back to it, so we bought her a potty that sings. She loves hearing the various songs and seems to have interest in being a big girl again. But there are still accidents, of course.

Back to this morning. After having already changed into three different outfits, Gretters wants to wear Tinker Bell Panties. I explain she has to keep Tinker Bell dry. She says "I promise," which is pretty cute to hear a two year old say, even though you kind of know that she doesn't know what it fully means. Most 60 year old politicians don't know what it means, either. Anyway, she was doing a good job keeping the panties dry, but was seriously driving me crazy coming up to me every 10 minutes having stripped herself naked and asking (rather, screaming) for a new dress to wear. I explain to her I'm working, and that there will be no more outfit changes. I get her a book to read and I think I'm set.

A few minutes later I hear "I peed, Mommy, I peed," only she wasn't in the bathroom. So off I go to clean up her legs, take off her panties, clean up the puddle and move on. Then she wants to use the potty. I take her to the bathroom and sit her on the little potty, only she isn't sitting on it straight and all the urine squirts out on the floor, partially sopped up by the bathroom rug, partially sopped up by the pile of dirty clothes on the floor. And of course, she needs a new dress, because she got pee on that too. Another outfit later, I clean up the mess and get back to work.

I make a bit of progress on the project I"m working on, when all three girls come to me telling me they're starving. It's noon by that time, but I had just given them a snack at 11. I have failed to mention that I had yet to eat or drink anything myself up to that point. I was also still in my underwear (maternity underwear because all my normal underwear is sitting in a pile of dirty clothes in the bathroom, now soaking up Gretter's pee). My hair is still wet from the quick 5 minute shower I had taken earlier. I think you get the picture.

I stop working, get up and put a pot of turkey chili on the stove that I had made for dinner last night. Then I hear Gretters say "I pooped, Mommy... I pooped." Lucky for me I had put a diaper on her with the last outfit change. Unlucky for me, Gretters pulled off her diaper and was examining her poop. I get her cleaned up, put on yet another outfit (now you know why there is a pile of dirty clothes in the bathroom), and get back to work when I hear the smoke alarm go off.

Yes, there on the stove sits a smoking pot of chili that I had forgotten about because of the poop mess. The whole kitchen is filled with smoke and my eardrums are starting to throb as I try and figure out how to take the alarm apart. The girls are crying, the alarm seems to be getting louder, and there I am standing on a chair in my maternity underwear with wet hair, trying to destroy the fire alarm before I lose my mind.

It's an hour later and I am dressed, the girls are fed, I am fed, and the only hint of the chaos from this morning is the smell of smoke that still permeates the house, despite having the windows open. Oh yes, and there is that lovely pile of dirty clothes in the bathroom that has almost doubled in size from just this morning's events.

And, that, my friends, is a day in the life of a mother.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Baby E... a few hours old
Baby C... a few hours old

My brother and his wife had their first baby today, just two months after our little Baby E was born. I think it will be so fun for these girls to have a girl cousin so close in age. Baby K weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces, which make my sister-in-law a hero in my book. Baby E was our "bruiser" at 7 lbs 9 oz. We are so excited to welcome the latest addition to our family. Now, my sister will add to the cousin pool in October with her sixth. We're obviously a fertile bunch!