One day I will finish catching up my blog for January, February and March, but for now I will post this pic of my cute girls. They built this log tower of power themselves. Notice baby in the log bin. Gretters is in her favorite pink dress that her cousin used to wear. I think she has worn this dress every day this week. It missed laundry day last week, so it may be longer. I keep putting it in the hamper and she keeps fishing it out. It's been worn inside out and right side out so both sides are equally dirty. Lady is in the middle... notice the short hair. She wanted to be different from her sister, but now people can't remember which twin has short hair and which has long. Baby has four teeth now and more hair, but nothing to brag about. She won't let me put hair things in her hair so she's at that awkward hair stage (minus a mullet... which I will post sometime this weekend, MAYBE).
I love these girls!