Monday, August 25, 2008

Our first stitches

I added a few more stripes to my mom shirt this week when Lady cut her finger on broken picture glass. The girls were supposed to be in bed taking a nap. Instead, while I was feeding Baby in my bedroom, they decided to play downstairs. Lucky for me, I had to go to the bathroom and was awake and close to hear "the scream." I ran in to find Lady holding the above picture with shards of glass poking from it. I took the picture from her and took her to the kitchen to get a towel for her hand/arm. There was so much blood, I couldn't see how many cuts there were or where the blood was coming from. Thankfully, it was only one finger. I made a few calls to friends in town, but no one was available. So I called Daddy and told him to come home from work and get us to the hospital.
One of the pieces of glass.
We spent four and half hours in the ER and read every kids' book and magazine they had (not a great selection I have to say). We managed to make it through the stitches by recounting every scene from the Cinderella movie. Lady left having charmed every person who met her. She was very, very brave. Although, she did tell me she wasn't going to invite the doctors to have Cinderella cake at her birthday party.

1 comment:

wgp said...

well, it's quite fortunate that the finger is still attached from the looks of the cut. Motherhood: not for the squeamish.

Today, the twins celebrate,and we with them, their entrance to life in our family circle. Thank you for sharing them so generously with us, Heather.
Love and hugs,